A preview narrated trailer for every story can be heard in our all products section of the menu.
Have a listen to the following trailers and see what you think?
Our slogan being. Here's what we've got!
Here is what it will do for you!
Here's how you get it!
Got your credit card handy?
Even cheap enough for the tight-wads!
And in Aussie dollars. How cheap do you want it?
Here is a sample of a our best sellers.
  By featured author HK Mayfield.
What are your thoughts on this?
   Not be be construed as blasphemy!
             A free listen.
Check out these kid's, child narrated short stories.
There are 5 volumes with 10 videos in each volume available for sale. Below are some examples of the videos
Besides the kid's videos.
How do I keep the kid's entertained while I listen or read?
Well then! Then there's our packages of kid's colouring in pages with hundreds and hundreds of different characters and themes. Which can be downloaded for use.
Plus, there are six terrific period comic book short stories in a continuing sequence in the series. Entitled The Archeomancer.
Click on the PDF below to see
The Archeomancer comic series Promo,
and Earth Guardian comics.
Talk about entertaining.
How about this pair of Irish buskers.
Allie Sherlock and Fionn Whelan.
Waiting for a decent break.
What a brilliant live rendition of a classic.
All of the stories in full text or narrated versions
are available at realistically low and affordable prices.
Hearing and listening, can often lead to believing?
Wait until you listen to, or read some of the stories.
Then question how real they are?
You haven't seen anything yet! Â
You haven't seen
or heard anything yet!
 Visual Feast Promotions.   Short story enthusiasts.
For a limited time only
Here is a free listen to the four-chapter
whole narrated stage play.
My Friend The Devil. By HK Mayfield.
Below is a free listen or download of the Soundtrack.
20 hit radio songs in the stage play, My Friend The Devil.
Producer Required
Expressions of interest called for.
Contact direct. hkmayfield@gmail.com
Contact hkmayfield@gmail.com directly.
Now for a look at the future in books.
Visual Feast publishing presents the Video Audio Books concept.
Narration. Images. Music and Songs. Videos.
Atmosphere and Emotion.
The only ingredient missing... is Smell.
True theatre of the mind when eyes closed,
relaxed, and listening.
Yes! From the original creators of the Video Audio Books concept.
Proudly presented by Visual Feast Promotions.
From a poor and restrictive background to entertainment success.
The Pa Mayfield story
A true tale from the cradle to the grave of a determined survivor.
The full 6 hour narrated story without images True theatre of the mind. Available shortly.
Following is Volume One of our kid's, child narrated short story videos. There are 10 videos in each volume, and there are five volumes available in the series. Four more to come shortly. Below is volume One.
Something to ponder.
Not to be construed as Blasphemous.
Wait until you see what we've got for you.
You ain't seen anything yet!
All Or Nothing
The Owl and the Pussycat
But What if I can do?
For lovers of realistic crime fiction, Short Story Playhouse has everything you need to keep your reading list full. Our collection is available in a wide variety of formats including audio books, text, videos, and more. Our unique approach combines narration, music, photos, and images to create an immersive experience that fully transports you into the story. With an atmosphere and vibe that will keep you engaged and exhilarated. Truly discover the value of Short Story Playhouse today.
Oh Albert. It's wonderful.
Now our eyesight is fading, we can hear the narrated stories!Â
A short reminder of our Video Production Agency
Contact hkmayfield@gmail.com for details.
The Narlee Gang. Born, Bred, and Fed in Australia.
Welcome to
Proudly presented
by Visual Feast Publishing
A primary example of real,,,, friendly, Australian, multi culturism in action!
No nonsense Dora the frill necked Lizard
Born , Bred, and Fed in Australia
Watch out for Smedley, the vicious feral cat!
Introduction to the Narlee Gang
What We Do
We Entertain
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